5 Easy-to-Implement Tips on How Banks Can Massively Improve Their NetIQ-based IAM

Tips you need to give the Identity & Access Management a performance kick. 

How these tips help

Whether you want to fill an identified performance gap or to find ways to improve your NetIQ-based IAM in general, these tips are exactly what will help you achieve your goal –  powerful, delivering Identity & Access Management.


please both internal and external auditors


make the Identity & Access Management deliver


improve & simplify the IAM routine


mitigate financial and cybersecurity risks

Why trust SKyPRO

Expert in the field of digital identity

Over 35 years of experience in the IT services sector

Hundreds of customers with thousands of projects

Over 20 years of dedicated experience with Novell / NetIQ / Micro Focus / Opentext solutions / CyberRes in Identity & Access Management

Highly specialized products, all created from real customer needs