Your guide to unforgivable mistakes that turn the Identity Management automation into a mess.

It’s no secret that identity management (IDM) is the guardian angel of cybersecurity for modern businesses. And when it comes to managing user identities, access privileges, and all those pesky authentication mechanisms, many companies turn to automation for a variety of reasons. But, hold on to your cyber-hats, because automation can be a bit of a wild ride. 

In this article, we’re going to take a look at some of the most common goof-ups that companies make when they dive headfirst into automating identity management processes. So, grab your coffee, sit back, and let’s explore these blunders and learn how to avoid the pitfalls of automating the IDM processes.

Neglecting a comprehensive strategy

One of the most significant errors companies make when automating IDM is jumping in without a well-defined strategy. So, don’t be that company that dives headfirst into the identity management pool without a game plan! Picture this: you’re all excited for IDM to be automated in your company, but oops, no strategy in sight. Suddenly, you’ve got tech tools scattered like confetti, and clarity is missing in action because you lack a clear understanding of your company needs and objectives.

This means that before you start waving the automation wand, do a little self-reflection. Ask your organization, “What do we really need from identity management?” Take a peek at your company’s needs, goals, andpolicies before crafting a strategic plan.

Crafting a strategy is like making a sandwich—without knowing your ingredients, you’ll end up with a mess. So, whip up a plan that has company needs identified, some goals set, and watch as your IDM automation journey turns from potential chaos into a well-thought-out process.

Insufficient onboarding & off boarding processes

Automating identity management can significantly streamline the employee onboarding and offboarding processes. But you see, some companies stumble into the onboarding-offboarding tango without the right moves: they make the critical mistake of granting employees excessive access to systems and data from the outset, which can lead to security vulnerabilities. It’s like giving someone VIP access to the party on day one, and by day two, they’re holding the keys to the kingdom.

To avoid jeopardizing your company to data breaches and cybersecurity attacks, you need to get those onboarding and offboarding processes in check. Imagine it as a well-scripted play where every character (employee) gets the right lines (access) at the right time. No sneak peeks, no spoilers, just a seamless integration with your identity management system.

Grant access based on job roles—because not everyone needs the red carpet treatment. And when someone decides to exit stage left, automate the access revocation. 

Overlooking continuous reporting & monitoring

Now it’s time to talk about the never-ending saga of automating identity management. It’s not a brief fling; it’s a long-term relationship. Drop the “set it and forget it” mentality; we’re talking about commitment! Skipping the continuous monitoring and reporting is like leaving your front door wide open and hoping no one notices. Spoiler alert: they will. Failing to monitor user activities and generate reports is often the reason of undetected security breaches and policy violations.

So, here’s the deal: set up some alarms for the digital party crashers, a.k.a. suspicious activities. Additionally, invest in monitoring and reporting tools that provide real-time visibility into user activities. No one likes surprises, especially when it comes to cybersecurity and compliance with industry regulations. 

And let’s not forget the all-important access privilege audits. Think of it as the annual spring cleaning for your digital kingdom. Dust off those access rights, toss out the unnecessary ones, and voila: compliance and security in check. 

Neglecting user experience

Now, we all know security is the superhero in this story, but guess what? Some companies forget about the sidekick called User Experience

Picture this: super complicated authentication steps that make users feel like they’re deciphering ancient hieroglyphics. What happens next? Users are frustrated with the cumbersome and complex procedures and your employees are wandering into the wild west of shadow IT where they seek simpler and at the same time less secure alternatives.

But fear not! Here is a way to avoid this. Implement things like single sign-on (SSO) and multi-factor authentication (MFA)—the dynamic duo of user-friendly security. It’s like giving your users a golden ticket to a smoother, more secure digital adventure. Because, in the end, a happy user is a productive user. 

Final thoughts

So, there you have it! By steering clear of these common pitfalls and embracing a strategic, user-friendly, and continuously monitored approach, companies can automate the identity management processes successfully. Remember, it’s not just about automating; it’s about doing it with flair, ensuring your digital ship sails smoothly through the stormy seas of cybersecurity. Stay strategic, keep those onboarding and offboarding processes on point, and, of course, sprinkle a bit of user-friendly magic with SSO and MFA.